Natural history of extruded lumbar intervertebral
disc herniation
Tatsuhiko Henmi *, Koichi
Sairyo **, Shunji Nakano **, Yoshiji Kanematsu *, Tomomasa Kajikawa *, Shinsuke Katoh **, Vijay K Goel†
*Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Health Insurance
Naruto Hospital, Tokushima, Japan;**Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, The University of Tokushima School of Medicine, Tokushima,
Japan;and †Department of Biomedical Engineering,
The University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Abstract:We studied the natural history of extruded lumbar
intervertebral discs using MRI. Forty-nine patients with lumbar
disc herniation were included in this study. Ages ranged from19to57.
On the T2-weighted sagittal MR image, the signal intensity
in the herniated mass was measured and the ratio to that in
the original nucleus (i.e, nucleus pulposus from which they
extruded) was calculated (signal intensity ratio; SIR). The
relationship with SIR and duration of illness was evaluated.
In ten patients who were re-examined by MRI after conservative
treatment, the size of the herniation measured by T1-weighted
axial MR image was compared before and after treatment. The
signal intensity of HNP became higher than that of the original
nucleus immediately following herniation and thereafter decreased
with time, suggesting that initial hydration of the HNP occurred
shortly after herniation followed by dehydration of the HNP.
The size of the HNP with a SIR value of1.2and higher on T2-weighted
MR images decrease with time, however, the HNP with a SIR
below1.2did not show any size reduction. The SIR of1.2and
higher is a good indicator predicting spontaneous reduction
of the HNP. Dehydration in the HNP may play an important role
in the reduction of the lumbar disc herniation. J. Med. Invest.
49:40-43, 2002
Keywords:MRI/ Lumbar Spine/ Nucleus pulposus/ Herniation
Spontaneous reduction of the herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP)
in the lumbar spine has been well documented (1-3, 6-8). The
proposed mechanisms of spontaneous reduction of the HNP with
time included retraction by posterior longitudinal ligament
tension, dehydration, resorption by macrophage phagocytosis,lymphatic
drainage and immunologic reaction (1-4, 6-7). However, several
studies have shown that dehydration is one of the major contributors
to reduction of the HNP. For example, Bozzao et al. (1)and
Saal et al. (6), based on qualitative information of MRI signals
of the HNP (as judged by the brightness on MRI films), found
a spontaneous reduction in the patients whose HNP were bright
on T2-weighted images. Since T2-weighted MR images represent
water content, these observations suggest that dehydration
could be a factor. These authors, however, did not quantify
the threshold values of MRI signal intensity that may predict
spontaneous reduction of the HNP.
Thus, the purpose of the present study is to quantify signal
intensity of HNP as compared to the nucleus where it originated
from and to correlate the signal intensity with the reduction
in size. Such an investigation will enable identification
of patients in whom spontaneous reductions of HNP occur.
All consecutive patients between January 1992and February
1994 diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation were included in
this study, with the following exceptions. Patients suffering
from previous symptoms suggesting an earlier HNP were excluded.
Patients presenting with non - extruded disc herniations and
sequestration on MR images, and/or patients who had other
lesions such as spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, spinal canal
stenosis and multiple disc herniations were excluded. Due
to these restrictions, forty-nine patients qualified for the
present study. There were32men and17women with a mean age
of36.0years (range19to57years;standard deviation=12.1years).
The HNPs were found at L3-4in one case, L4-5in31cases and
T1-and T2-weighted MR images showing extruded nucleus pulposus
were obtained at the time of the first examination. The duration
of illness, defined as the time elapsed from occurrence of
the leg symptoms to the first MRI examination, for each patient
was also recorded. Thirty patients subsequently were elected
for surgery and19for conservative treatment. We recommended
follow-up MRIs to patients in the conservative treatment group.
Ten agreed, and nine objected due to the time and cost involved.
For the ten patients who agreed, the MRI was taken again after
six to12months following the first visit, Table1.
MRI apparatus used in this study had a 0.5 Tesla superconducting
magnet (MRT-50, Toshiba, Japan). Spin-echo sequences employed
on a condition of500ms/40ms (TR/TE) for T1-weighted images
and2000ms/120ms (TR/TE) for T2-weighted images, with6mm of
slice thickness.
Signal intensity of HNP.
On the T2-weighted sagittal MR image, we established regions
of interest (ROI) in the center of the HNP and in the center
of nucleus from which it extruded (original nucleus), (Figure1).
Signal intensity of the ROI was measured, and the ratio of
the signal intensity (SIR;Signal Intensity Ratio) in the herniated
mass to that of the original nucleus was calculated. In this
study, we attempted to clarify the natural history of herniated
nucleus pulposus. Therefore, the SIR of the HNP was compared
with the original nucleus, not with the normal disc such as
the disc at L1/2level. The relationship between the duration
of illness and SIR was also examined.
Volumetric evaluation.
On the T1-weighted axial image, the percent space-occupying
ratio (SOR) of the herniation to the spinal canal was calculated
by using imaging software, Figure2. The SOR between initial
and follow-up MRIs were compared by calculating percent reduction
ratio as100-(SOR on follow-up scan/SOR on initial scan×100).
Signal intensity of HNP.
As shown in Figure1, the SIR was measured. The signal intensity
of the disc and the original disc in Figure1 looks very similar,
and its SIR is calculated as1.1. The SIR more than1.0means
the signal intensity of the HNP is higher than that of the
original disc, suggesting the HNP is hydrated following the
herniation. In case the SIR shows below1.0, the signal of
the HNP is lower than that of the original disc, indicating
the HNP is suggested to dehydrate. The duration of illness
ranged from1day to200days and exhibited a logarithmic decrease
in the SIR values, Figure3. The relationship between the duration
of illness and the SIR was found to be statistically significant
(p<0.05). The result showed that the signal intensity of
HNP became higher than that of the original nucleus shortely
after herniation occurred and thereafter tended to decrease
with time, suggesting that the hydration in disc herniations
occurred immediately following event and dehydration in the
HNP may progress over time.
Volumetric evaluation.
Ten patients who underwent a follow-up MRI after their first
visit were regrouped into three categories, based on the SIR
values of the initial T2-weighted MR images. Five patients
had low-SIR (0.8or less); four had high-SIR (1.2and higher)
and one had in-between the two (iso-SIR:between0.8and1.2).
The size of the HNP of the four patients in the high-SIR group
decreased (Reduction ratio:73.8to100%) at the time of follow-up
examination. The other two groups did not show any significant
changes in the reduction ratio (range-6.0to16.7%). However,
in these patients the follow-up between the two MRI sessions
was longer than the patients in high-SIR group, Table1. The
reduction ratio in high-SIR group was significantly greater
than that in iso-and low-SIR groups, (unpaired t-test, p<0.01).
In certain patients spontaneous reduction of lumbar HNP has
occurred following conservative treatment (1-3, 6-8), e.g.
48%cases with a reduction of more than70% (1), and14of21patients
(2). The present study has also demonstrated this to be true.
The spontaneous reduction of the herniated mass observed in
the present study showed a significant correlation with SIR
at the first presentation. HNPs in high-SIR group (SIR>1.2)
showed spontaneous reduction in size with time.
The HNPs in high-SIR group showed increased water content
compared with the nucleus pulposus of origin. On the other
hand, the HNPs presenting with low-SIR lost water following
the initial herniation. It seems that disc herniations with
high SIR contained a certain amount of water to be dehydrated,
while low-SIR masses had already lost water and therefore
unable to decrease their volumes further by dehydration. Actually,
the correlation between SIR and duration of illness suggested
HNP will be hydrated following herniation and thereafter dehydrated
with time. Dehydration in the HNP, thus, may play an important
role in size reduction of lumbar disc herniation.
Bozzao et al (1) and Saal et al. (6) reported cases with HNPs
showing spontaneous reduction. In their patients, HNP showed
high signal intensity on initial T2-weighted MR images and
suggested dehydration to be a factor. The authors did not
quantify the threshold values of MRI signal intensity that
may suggest spontaneous reduction of the HNP. Our results
provide a quantitative support to their observations. Thus,
SIRs of1.2and higher can provide us the information to predict
which herniation is likely to decrease with time spontaneously.
Morphologic changes of HNP were found to correspond to clinical
outcomes (2, 3), and an excellent outcome without surgery
was more likely in patients in whom the degree of herniation
reduction was larger. In this study, we clarified that HNP
with high-SIR is likely to reduce in size with time and in
the other two groups it seems unlikely. Therefore, if patients
presenting with HNP are found to be in the high-SIR group,
the symptoms may decrease spontaneously without surgery due
to the size reduction. Thus, by measuring the SIR, surgeons
can predict the clinical outcomes of patients presenting with
HNP. Actually, in the present study clinical symptoms such
as low back pain and leg pain of all patients in high-SIR
group decreased at the final follow-up in corresponding to
the reduction in size. The predictive value of our findings
could also influence on the health care cost and will be the
focus of further studies.
Based on the results in this study, we proposed1.2in the SIR
to be predictive value of the natural reduction in size of
HNP. However, we just reviewed only ten patients. Thus, the
value might not be completely correct. Further investigations
should be required to elucidate the exact value of SIR, which
can predict the natural reduction of HNP.
The authors wish to thank Prof. L.J.Grobler, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, The University of Iowa, for his help
during the editing process.
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Received for publication September 25, 2001;accepted November
22, 2001.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Tatsuhiko Henmi, M.D., Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Health Insurance Naruto Hospital, Muya-cho, Naruto, Tokushima772-8503, Japan and Fax:+81-88-683-1860.
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